JUMA ULTA10 Ultra Linear Test Amplifier

This is an Ultra Linear Test Amplifier from 1MHz to 200MHz with outstanding linear performance. It provides almost no harmonics and the intermodulation distortion (IMD) is so low that it is hard to measure how good it is. The amplifier provides easily very clean 10W output and more with a 50V supply. This amplifier is mostly intended for test use because it is optimized for signal purity but not for efficiency. With a 50V suplly voltage and 2.5A bias current it requires a pretty big heatsink for continuous operation.

JUMA ULTA10 revision B layout

Negligible harmonics
Negligible IMD products Mostly phase noise of the signal generators

Photo of an early prototype (Rev A)

- Negligible harmonics
Negligible IMD products
- 50 ohm Input and output

- Typical gain 25dB
- Frequency range 1MHz-200MHz
- Supply voltage 50V
- Bias current adjustment and bias balance trimmer for 2f harmonic nulling
- 2.5A bias current for ultra linear operating point
- Temperature compensated
bias current
- Output power 10W or more with 50V supply

This test amplifier is very useful when testing a high power linear amplifier IMD behavior. See a two tone IMD measurement application note here.

If you are interested in a fully constructed and tested ultra linear test amplifier in an enclosure please contact rowaves.com

Update 2024-12-05 OH7SV

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