JUMA TRX2 Boot loader    Last update 2009-09-01 OH7SV

Note! If you already have installed the Ingenia dsPIC bootloader into your PC, go directly to the section ** Programming**

The boot loader allows a user to update the JUMA-TRX2 firmware into the dsPIC30F6014A flash memory without any special tools. The firmware is programmed through the RS232 serial port. Only a PC with a serial com port, serial com cable and the PC software is needed. The boot loader is two part program.
1. The client part

The client part is a piece of embedded software programmed into the JUMA-TRX2 control processor (to the top part memory of the dsPIC30F6014A). The firmware coming with the JUMA TRX2 kit includes this client part. Every time the JUMA-TRX2 is powered on the boot loader checks if the VFO button is held down during the start up. This VFO button pressing is the signal for the boot loader to start the procedure. The message is written into the TRX2 LCD display and the boot loader starts to negotiate with the PC connection. If the connection is not established within few seconds the boot loader starts the normal control program. A start without pressing the VFO button transfers the control immediately to the TRX2 normal control program.

2. The PC side Graphics User Interface program

The user interface program (GUI) is located in the PC and it transfers the firmware file from the hard disk to TRX2 via the serial port. The PC side program (GUI) must started before the JUMA-TRX2 boot loader. A successful communications between the PC and the JUMA-TRX2 is indicated on the PC screen. The user can select a firmware file (juma-trx2.hex) to load (flash programming) and start the programming cycle.

The preparations for programming a firmware.
Note! If you already have installed the Ingenia dsPIC bootloader into your PC, go directly to the section ** Programming**
Get a PC with the Windows XP operating system and with a RS232 serial com port.

Get a serial com cable with a D9 female connector – JUMA-TRX2 3.5mm jack plug. See the picture
Get Ingenia dsPICbootloader PC software by downloading it from here ingenia dsPIC bootloader GUI V1.1
Install the dsPICbootloader PC software.
After installing the Ingenia bootloader into the PC, you must replace the original file (ibl_dspiclist.xml) with this file ibl_dspiclist.xml Use mouse right button to "Save target as". The xml file is typically located in the hard disk folder C:\Program Files\Ingenia\ingeniadsPICbootloader. (Note! This xml file is compatible only with the Ingenia bootloader version 1.1.)

Get a JUMA-TRX2 firmware hex file (juma-trx2_Vxxx.hex) what you like to program into your JUMA-TRX2. The latest firmware file can be downloaded from JUMA TRX2 site.

** Programming**
Before programming write down the Service Mode calibration parameters, because they might be set to the factory deafaults depending on the extent of the new firmware. Go to the Service mode to write down the parameters:

- Switch off TRX2
- Push and keep the PWR button down as long as the Service Mode is displayed in the LCD
- Write down each paratmeter in each service mode page by pushing the DISPLAY button
- Switch off the TRX2

Connect the serial com cable between the PC and the JUMA TRX2
Close any terminal or other program which can reserve the PC com port.
Start the ingenia dsPIC bootloader in your PC and follow the instructions.

Switch OFF the JUMA TRX2

Configure the PC com port if needed. Normally the default baud rate of 115200
works fine but you can select a lower speed if needed. When ready with the
com settings, klick configuration done button.

Now the PC software is waiting the JUMA-TRX2 Flash Writer to be started.
Start up (power on) JUMA-TRX2 while keeping VFO button pressed.
You should see the text below in the JUMA TRX2 LCD display.

JUMA TRX2 Flash writer started

Successful communication between the PC software and JUMA-TRX2 brings the above screen visible.
Click the open HEX file button and select the hex file from your hard disk (for example juma-trx2.hex).

After selection of the hex file, the start write button appears. Click start write button to start the flash programming.
The programming should take about 5...15 seconds, depending on the baudrate.

Note! After successful programming you have to disconnect power from the power supply because the TRX2 green
PWR button does not work in this state.

Finally switch on the JUMA TRX2 and test the new firmware. Check also the calibration parameters in the Service mode.

**Programming completed**


How to test the serial communication
Start Hyperterminal or any other terminal program in your PC. Configure the com port in use to 9600-8-N. Connect RS232 cable to JUMA-TRX2. Power up JUMA-TRX2 (normal power on start). You should see following text at terminal screen:

JUMA-TRX2 Firmware v1.02, Test release / 230108
Copyright Juha Niinikoski, OH2NLT
System Clock = 7500 kHz
EEPROM checksums, Cal = 0, Def Cs = 0, Factory default resets = 1
TRX-2 voice memory option found (ISD17240 chip)

Select RS232 = Test from juma TRX2 config pages. Now you can try few test commands from terminal.
I (capital I) should print the software version
E(capital e) should dump JUMA-TRX2 configuration EEPROM content
Other commands. See JUMA-TRX2 user manual and software source code listing.

JUMA-TRX2 boot loader software
Normally you don't need to program the boot loader software, because it is included in the TRX2 kit firmware. You need to program the boot loader only if you have an "empty" dsPIC30F6014A chip. The boot loader can be programmed into the dsPIC chip with Mplab ICD tool or equivalent programmer. Boot loader code is based on Ingenia dsPIC bootloader firmware but modified for the JUMA-TRX2. When programming an "empty" dsPIC30F6014A chip you should keep the PWR button pressed all the time or install Jumper J4 in the DDS board to keep power on during programming because the JUMA-TRX2 power switch is software controlled.

Some tips for your own firmware
If you are compiling your own firmware for JUMA-TRX2 special linking loader script for Microchip C30 compiler should be used. There must always be a jump to the user code start at absolute program memory address 0x100.

.text __CODE_BASE :
** Generate extra goto __reset for boot loader. OH2NLT 050106
** Boot loader allways jump to start address 0x100
SHORT((ABSOLUTE(__reset) >> 16) & 0x7F);
*(.libc) *(.libm) *(.libdsp); /* keep together in this order */
} >program

For more details see the provided JUMA-TRX2 source code and Mplab project files.

Alternative programming method
You can also program the JUMA-TRX2 firmware with Microchip ICD 2 tool or other programmer without the boot loader. However if you do this, the boot loader is erased from dsPIC30F6014A flash memory and it must be reprogrammed if needed later. For the initial loads a special hex file is available including both the boot loader and the firmware. See TRX2 technical page.