PCB Gerber files for the retired JUMA kits and other non-commercial JUMA equipment

Feel free to use these PCB files for your personal and for your club projects.
Not authorized for any commercial use without permission from Juma!

You can order these boards from PCB suppliers eg from PCBway

JUMA RX1 Direct Conversion Receiver
Main board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 80 x 50.5mm
Layers 1
Copper 1oz (35um)
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top only
Silkscreen none
Gerber files
DDS board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 80 x 40mm
Layers 1
Copper 1oz
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top only
Silkscreen none

Gerber files juma-rx1-dds.zip

JUMA TX1 DDS Controlled CW Transmitter
Main board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 94 x 50.5mm
Layers 2
Copper 1oz
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top only (No bottom solder mask)
Silkscreen none

Gerber files juma-tx1-main-D.zip
DDS board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 80 x 40mm
Layers 2
Copper 1oz
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top and bottom
Silkscreen none

Gerber files juma-tx1-dds-C.zip

JUMA Keyer 1
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber file

JUMA TRX1 Two Band CW & DSB transceiver
Main board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 121.6 x 53mm
Layers 2
Copper 1oz
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top and bottom

Silkscreen none
Gerber files trx1-main-B.zip
PA board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 98.1 x 40mm
Layers 2
Copper 1oz
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top
(No bottom solder mask)
Silkscreen none
Gerber files trx1-pa-B.zip
DDS board
Material FR4, 1.6mm
Dimensions 80 x 40mm
Layers 2
Copper 1oz
Plating HASL
Solder mask on top and bottom
Silkscreen none

Gerber files trx1-dds-B.zip

JUMA TRX2A All HF Band Transceiver
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber files
trx2-filter-B.zip (basic
roofing filter)
juma-fl2-A.zip (enhanced roofing filter)
trx2-se-option-A.zip (Spur Elimination, only for main board Rev B)

trx2-voice-mem-C.zip (voice memory option)
trx2-ext-buttons-C.zip (external keyborad option)

JUMA TX136 Low Frequency Transmitter
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber files
tx500-main-c.zip (same as TX500)
tx500-rear-panel.zip (same as TX500)
pa100-digital-control-b.zip (same as PA100-D)

JUMA TX500 Low Frequency Transmitter
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber files
pa100-digital-control-b.zip (same as PA100-D)

JUMA TM160-80 and TM40-10 Tuner Modules
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber files

JUMA DFR1 Direction Finder Receiver 160m & 80m
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber files

JUMA ASW5 Automatic Antenna Switch
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file
Gerber files

JUMA TC - Circular Polarization Controller
Revision B with internal dummy load for 100W
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file

Gerber files

Revision C with external dummy load for QRO power
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file

Gerber files

Revision D with both external and internal dummy load
The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file

Gerber files

If you want to view the Gerber files you can install a free viewer from this website Gerber Viewer
ownload a zipped Gerber file to your HDD and extract the file to a folder.
In Gerber viewer: File - Open layer(s) Select all extracted files
with shift + mouse and click open (*.rep filed are not needed)
After opening click "Layers" tab and select layers you want to see.

Last update 2024-12-05 OH7SV

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