JUMA RX1 Direct Conversion
Receiver |
Main board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 80 x 50.5mm Layers 1 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top only Silkscreen none Gerber files juma-rx1-main-E.zip |
DDS board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 80 x 40mm Layers 1 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top only Silkscreen none Gerber files juma-rx1-dds.zip |
JUMA TX1 DDS Controlled
CW Transmitter |
Main board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 94 x 50.5mm Layers 2 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top only (No bottom solder mask) Silkscreen none Gerber files juma-tx1-main-D.zip |
DDS board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 80 x 40mm Layers 2 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top and bottom Silkscreen none Gerber files juma-tx1-dds-C.zip |
JUMA Keyer 1 |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber file juma-keyer1.zip |
JUMA TRX1 Two Band CW &
DSB transceiver |
Main board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 121.6 x 53mm Layers 2 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top and bottom Silkscreen none Gerber files trx1-main-B.zip |
PA board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 98.1 x 40mm Layers 2 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top (No bottom solder mask) Silkscreen none Gerber files trx1-pa-B.zip |
DDS board Material FR4, 1.6mm Dimensions 80 x 40mm Layers 2 Copper 1oz (35um) Plating HASL Solder mask on top and bottom Silkscreen none Gerber files trx1-dds-B.zip |
JUMA TRX2A All HF Band Transceiver |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber files trx2-main-C.zip trx2-polyphase-A.zip trx2-filter-B.zip (basic roofing filter) juma-fl2-A.zip (enhanced roofing filter) trx2-se-option-A.zip (Spur Elimination, only for main board Rev B) trx2-rf-filter-A.zip trx2-all-band-pa-B.zip trx2-connector-A.zip trx2-dds-B.zip trx2-front-plate-A.zip Ordering info for the front plate trx2-rear-plate-B.zip Ordering info for the rear plate trx2-voice-mem-C.zip (voice memory option) trx2-ext-buttons-C.zip (external keyborad option) |
JUMA TX136 Low Frequency Transmitter |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber files tx136-front-panel.zip tx500-main-c.zip (same as TX500) tx500-rear-panel.zip (same as TX500) pa100-digital-control-b.zip (same as PA100-D) |
JUMA TX500 Low Frequency Transmitter |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber files tx500-front-panel.zip tx500-main-c.zip tx500-rear-panel.zip pa100-digital-control-b.zip (same as PA100-D) |
JUMA TM160-80 and TM40-10 Tuner Modules |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber files TM160-80.zip TM40-10.zip |
JUMA DFR1 Direction Finder Receiver
160m & 80m |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber files DFR1-front-panel-A.zip DFR1-main-A.zip |
JUMA ASW5 Automatic Antenna Switch |
The manufacturing info can be found in
the the zipped txt file Gerber files asw5-main-C.zip asw5-front-panel-C.zip |
TC - Circular Polarization Controller |
Revision B with internal dummy load
for 100W The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file Gerber files TC-front-panel-B.zip TC-main-B.zip |
Revision C with external dummy load
for QRO power The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file Gerber files TC-front-panel-C.zip TC-main-C.zip |
Revision D with both external and
internal dummy load The manufacturing info can be found in the the zipped txt file Gerber files TC-front-panel-D.zip TC-main-D.zip |